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Scientists Invent 3-D Images that We can Touch

Breaking News

All columns by:Mauricio Jordan
A member of:AIPress
3dholo.jpgWhen We think about 3-D images,We automatically visualize 3-D graphics and/or holograms as those on credit cards,DVDs and CDs,etc.,which are used in the industry to prevent forgery. Everyone knows that those three-dimensional graphics are just an illusion,and physically untouchable. Not anymore.According to a Reuters technology article,"Japanese scientists are one step closer to making the stuff of sci-fi films into reality after creating a hologram that can also be felt".
Many other countries,including the USA have been experimenting and doing research on this technologically fascinating field. One of the inventors of this new technology,Hiroyuki Shinoda,professor at Tokyo university, told Reuters:" more »

Top Most Beautiful Sports Divas


maanna.jpgWhen it comes to picking the top 10 most beautiful sports Divas,the popular world-wide choice are 1. Maria Sharapova,and (arguably)2.Anna Kournikova. The former is a formidable "Russian professional tennis player who has been ranked World No. 1. At the end of 2006, she was the world's highest-paid female athlete."according toTop 10 Most Beautiful Sports Womenwebsitemore »

YouTube+MySpace+ FaceBook+Twitter= Promotion!


The top most popular social networks in cyberspace have become the mainstay promotional tool for emerging and established artists in the music and entertainment industry. Most recent statistics show that FaceBook alone has about 150 million users,with the other networks coming close in the number of their respective members. Proof of this amazing promotional tool is Rock band Journey using YouTube as a recruiting solution to find a replacement for their separated lead singer Steve Perrymore »

Global warming to blame


As the United Nations 2009 World Climate Summit gets under way today(September 22) in NYC,U.S. President Barack Obama,took the podium to address one of the most critical and dangerous crisis in the world,to threaten our very own survival as species:Global Warming. more »

Ellen DeGeneres New AI Judge


Vivacious celebrity comedian Ellen De Generes' decision to occupy the post left by Paula Abdul as judge in American Idol TV Show,has started to create some criticism.more »


Although slightly delayed to be published,with this second issue of this e-newspaper,I'm posting fresh and hopefully interesting short articles for your reading enjoyment. I am hoping to bring you more diverse and entertaining news and mention to fascinating articles from the internet vast resources of news.more »


More e-mails will be posted here,as I keep receiving them,both from celebrities,and their fans,and or regular readers. more »
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Celebrity Ghost Travel

While now a days celebrities travel in the First Class cabins of airliners,cruise ships and trains,many,hotels,bars,and restaurants,are becoming the not so "hushed" buzzing about celebrity ghosts,and so far, the "friendly type" of apparitions.more »


I extend an invitation to celebrities,their fans,and the general reading public to submit any comments,press releases,and/or suggestions as to what sections,or columns of this e-newspaer you enjoy more.I hope you enjoy it!
It is a very simple design and should be very easy to include,or post any sensible special requests,like celebrities upcoming birhtdays,etc. i'll leave it to your imagination..more »